Cost Of A “Typical Website”

People have asked me time and time again, sometimes in an email or a brief phone call, and sometimes through my online contact form, “what is the cost of a typical website?” It’s a legitimate question that we all ask before buying any products or services. And I’d wish I’d have a definite answer. Unfortunately, my typical answer is there’s no such thing as a typical website. Read More

What Is Mind-Catching Design?

“Mind-catching” is not [or not yet] in any American/English dictionary. We have “eye-catching,” “mind-altering,” or “mind-reading” but not “mind-catching.” Although the term is fabricated, it is pretty self-explanatory.

Mind-catching design is more like a motto to me. That is, design is more than eye-catching; it’s about mind-catching. While eye-catching implies beauty, mind-catching means beauty + memorable and powerful content in a complete package. While eye-catching may lean toward creativity in general, mind-catching is more about strategic creativity. Read More